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After three years I was finally back in Germany to visit my family and friends. It was great to be back and being able to properly hug my mum, sister, brother, nephews, sister in law, brother in law and my friends.

With me also the summer had arrived in Germany – maybe I brought the sun from Australia – and so I was able to enjoy beer gardens and other pleasant outdoor activities. As far as I know I have left the sun in Germany (how generous of me) and they continue to enjoy the summer while I am sitting wrapped up in Perth. But I won’t complain, as it gets already warmer.

I can definitely say, I have eaten my way through lots of Bavarian culinary specialties and afterwards I suffered the consequences: 1.5 kg to get rid off and possibly a bit more. So far I am good with eating lots of vegetables and fruits and NO sweets at all. The scale is already showing my weight as before the holidays. So, hopefully I can keep going and get a bit more off.

Here some impressions from my holidays (Part 1):

Part 2:


Part 3:



Thanks for stopping by.



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