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I am a bit late with my blog, but I was just too busy in the last days getting ready for my holiday.

The main thing was to finish my presents for my family and friends. By the time this will be posted I have hopefully arrived in Germany and handed them out.

Pretty late I decided to create similar notebooks like the one for my mum for Mother’s Day for my sisters and brothers families. Then when I was finished I wanted to do two more for my best girlfriends. As you an image I got pretty under pressure finishing it, but I made it.

Because I used a lot of English quotes I thought I should provide some translation, just in case any of them is struggling to understand. Unfortunately all the stamps I have are in English.

So lets start:

Enjoy the journey
Geniesse die Reise

Encourage your hopes not your fears
BestŠrke deine Hoffnungen nicht deine €ngste

Live is not about waiting for the storm to pass but learning to dance in the rain.
Im Leben geht es nicht darum zu warten bis der Sturm vorŸber sondern ist sondern zu lernen im Regen zu tanzen.


Experience is not what happens to you. it’s what you do with what happens to you
Erfahrung ist nicht was uns passiert. Es kommt darauf an was du damit machst was dir passiert.

What if your fears and dreams exist in the same place. Would you still go there?
Was wŠre wenn sich deine Aengste und TrŠume am gleichen Ort befinden. WŸrdest du trotzdem hingehen?

One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting new discoveries.
eine der Vorteile unorganisiert zu sein besteht darin, dass man stŠndig aufregende neue Entdeckungen macht.

Wishes are the magic in our heart that causes beautiful things to happen…
Wuensche sind die Magie in unserem Herzen, die wunderschoene Dinge entstehen lassen.


Life is the art of drawing without an eraser
Leben ist die Kunst ohne Radiergummi zu zeichnen

It’s never too late to find out who you want to be.
Es ist nie zu spaet herauszufinden wer du sein moechtest.

Every possibility begins with the courage to imagine…
Jede Moeglichkeit beginnt mit Courage sich es vorzustellen…

The world of reality has its limits; but the world of imagination is boundless.
Die Welt der Realitaet hat ihre Grenzen, aber die Welt der Vorstellung ist grenzenlos.

Learn to pause … or nothing worthwhile will catch up to you.
Lerne anzuhalten … oder nichts wichtiges kann dich einholen.

It’s the little things that make life big.
Es sind die kleinen Dinge die das Leben gross machen.

And hier my favorite:


Life is what happens to us, while we are making other plans.

Thanks for stopping by.


This post is also available in: German

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