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Yesterday I started again making some non Christmas cards and it was good fun. I had my friends Vada and Linda over for craft. This time we started already at 9.30am and went out for lunch as well as Linda had to go to a painting class meeting. We dropped her off there and then wondered, if we can find a craft store nearby. And yes, there is one, but when we called to find out where exactly they are located, the lady told us she is closed already. Bugger!

So we drove towards another place and realised, we are just passing this craft store that is already closed, but we decided to stop anyway and have a look in the window.

We just peaked in, when the door opened and the lady asked, did you just call? I said yes and she said: “Come on in anyway, I am still waiting for another customer to come”. How lucky! So we could browse around for 30 minutes and of course bought some stuff – how could we possibly not buy anything in a craft store?
We also chatted a bit with the lady and learned that the shop is running for 10 years already! And we didn’t know!

Later on we collected Linda and drove back home to play with our new toys and do some more cards.

I was focusing on using one specific sheet of paper for my cards, hence most cards are in the same color scheme except for the last one.



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