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After a week of no sweets and lots of salad, fruits and vegetables I have lost one kilo! YEAH! I had a couple of evenings lying in bed and getting hungry, but I managed to ignore it and fall a sleep anyway.

Otherwise I have continued with creating Christmas cards, but I slowed down a bit. Yesterday I finally added them to my online shop. That was quite a bit a task adding 65 cards!

I am very determined to use up as much as possible of my Christmas materials this year. The only thing I have bought this year are some Christmas cake doilies. I have progressed a lot already, but somehow I still have a huge stack of paper, stickers and ribbon left.

I made some cards incorporating Christmas paper cupcake holders with some nice pattern. I always like the challenge of using every day items in my art.

I also did some more repair work. I had a tray will all sorts of broken jewellery. I managed to repair most of it and have already worn some of it again. It feels pretty good getting things off the table.

Tomorrow afternoon I have a craft day with three friends. Its always good fun sharing tools, ideas, material and chatting away.



Thanks for stopping by.


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