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Since I had to empty out my craft area, I came across my big shell collection. In addition I had collected some more shells down south during my Christmas break. So I decided to do some shell craft.

Most of the new collected shells are just bits of big turban shells and I knew that I wanted to create mobiles with them. With adding some wooden bits I got three long strings out of the collection.

Knotting all the bits on a long string takes quite while, but eventually I had all pieces used up.

I also came across my old shells mobile while emptying my big cabinet.

The string has been worn from wind and weather and had broken into bits and pieces. First I thought I will just fix the broken string, but then I thought the other strings will give up soon as well so I better replace all strings and won’t have any problems for the next 2-3 years – hopefully.

Once done I could hang it up on its old place in my backyard.

The next shell project is already on the go, but not yet ready to display. Will hopefully be finished soon.

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